Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The gods want to be human; we want to be gods. Coming together, we comprehend that we are indistinguishable.

The artist's hammer belongs to those who no longer seek it. Creativity belongs to those who release themselves to fate. The hammer doesn't exist prior to its use.

Like us, the gods don't distinguish between the beautiful and the divine.

To live beautifully is to forget the illusion of the self.

To live beautifully is to hear, "She's waiting for you"—and turn towards the abyss.

The art is in what the artifact wasn't supposed to be.

Women embody the tragic helplessness of wisdom. In this regard both women and wisdom are god-like. To be divine is to be helpless.

Beauty doesn't exist that's not helplessly beautiful.

We want to be helpless before the spectacle. To the artist we say: "Render me helpless, like you."

To be grateful is to dissolve.

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