Wednesday, September 26, 2018

All for Nothing, by Walter Kempowski

I bought All for Nothing out of habit some months ago: it had received exuberant reviews in the New Yorker, in The Guardian; and I still like to think of myself as someone who buys novels that receive exuberant reviews.

But upon buying it, even before buying it, I undoubtedly thought, Why bother, Eric? You'll never read it.

After all, there are, in my bedroom, in my living room, high stacks of novels I've bought and not read. The thought of reading them fills me with dread. I've done so much reading over the years! a lifetime of reading. I can't bear it any longer, this more-of-the-same.

But for some reason, back in July, I picked up All for Nothing. And — a small wonder — I didn't, after a few pages, set it aside. I was taken by its fragmentary structure, by its innovative use of free indirect discourse, by its wry humor, by its author's eye for the right — but not too right (if there is such a thing) — detail.

I read it on a flight to New York, and spoke glowingly of it to my friend there, and I read a bit more of it upon returning home. And then I got to Chapter 12, which is called "The Offensive," and I stopped reading.

The novel concerns itself with the Russian Army's assault on East Prussia during the final weeks of World War II. That assault begins on page 174 of a 343-page book: so, at the book's midpoint. The first half of the book focuses on the daily — mostly inconsequential — rituals of a single German household in Mitkau, not far from Konigsberg. We get to know the occupants of the household, with their various idiosyncrasies, small dreams, schemes, pleasures and secrets. And we know, as they proceed with their small lives, what's coming: unimaginable horror.

I wasn't equipped, in early August, to witness the horror. So I stopped reading when the Russian offensive began.

But yesterday, feeling, for reasons I can't explain, stronger than usual, I picked up the book, and over the last 24 hours I finished it.

Now, this afternoon, I've decided to begin to recuperate — "to regain," "to take back" — myself (my self) by writing this note: All for Nothing is an absolute masterpiece, one of the best novels I've ever read, a joy, devastating, and a clear-eyed affirmation, despite all, of life and the world's beauty. It will be read, I hope, for as long as novels are read.

I don't know yet if passing judgement on the book in this fashion will help me recuperate from what it has done to me. Probably, it occurs to me, I shouldn't want to recuperate. After all, when I was a boy, and strong, I read to be changed forever. Reading should still, I hope, have that kind of power, if one can — will — let it.

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